Thursday, April 7, 2011

Tuesdays and Wednesdays

AM - Visual Merchandising
I have the same teacher for this class as I did art and technology.  I was soooo nervous because she was a terrible teacher and so condescending.  It wasn't just me that thought so, I think every girl in the class gave her a bad teacher's evaluation.  And her voice!!! Like nails on a chalkboard.  Which for my first class after Martini Monday you can imagine would be terrible.  But I was suprised when she was nice, and funny, and even knowledgable in this subject!  I had to take an Advil from her voice, but the rest was great! I really actually enjoyed the class .We were all suprised :)

PM - Textiles
I feel well prepared for this course because we touched on the basics of fibers and yarns and threads in my Design Awareness class.  She's a tough teacher ... probably the toughest I've had so far but I know I will respect her and learn lots.

AM - Marketing
I love this class too!! :)  The teacher has a great way of explaining things without reading the text book and uses his personal experiences in Marketing to help the information resonate.  It's refreshing too, to have a teacher acknowledge that 90% of what you learn in a classroom will fly in one ear and out the other.  But he says that as long as we can grasp and understand the basic concepts, we will succeed.  After all, you're always able to research Marketing Tips if you ever stumble across a problem in a real marketing position.

So overall it's gonna be a really tough semester.  Last term we only had 1 final and 1 regular quiz, and 1 in class essay for all 5 classes.  But this term, we have mid-terms and finals in 4 out of the 5 classes.  It's gonna be hectic but I love each class and I'm so pumped for it. 

Oh, and if you are wondering .... work is going well.  I'm 3 days a week.  Thursday and Friday at John Ross Insurance and Saturdays at Arbutus Insurance.  I work occasional Sunday's when I'm not doing homework or visiting Kevin.  So I KNOW you (Maam and Dad) cringe that I "booze" every Martini Monday but I often keep myself so busy 7 days a week that I really think I'm entitled to a few cocktails. 

On a good week we try to incorporate Wings Wednesday and WINGS on Granville.  It's usually me, Montana, her boyfriend Maneesh, our friend from highschool Bryan Tyler, Bryn, and his gf Liz.  Michael and Charmaine just expressed interest in joining so it'd be great if they wind up coming next week.  I think Ice Pilots has usally been on so they couldn't ever make it.  Other than that, me and Mont try to do Feel Good Friday once a month.  It consists of just me and her, a yummy home cooked meal, an $8.99 bottle of Fuzion Malbec, and a movie.

Char and Michael actually take me out quite a bit.  It's sweet actually.  We'll go for a quick bite, or a beer or 2 and it's always on them. I offer to pay for myself of course .... but I get the usual "you're a student!! Don't worry about it. Save your money for books"

Speaking of which, I managed to buy all my textbooks used from a girl her graduated last semester.  I paid $140 total whereas a lot of girls paid more than $300 for new books. I lucked out :)

Kay well it's 8:15 and I'm hungry so I'll write later xoxo

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